TWO BABY QUADRANTS FROM THE FUTURE QUADRANT: The Law of Spacial Execution And the Law of Innovation
The Future Quadrant is a block of solutions, resident in
the Micro-Reality Thinking Academy,
which is a Human Capital Hub. It consists
of Applied TFQ (Focuses on Systems,
Sub Systems, Meta Systems and Disruption/Development across sectors and
industries) TFQ Knowledge Economy (Focuses on Data, Innovation,
Technology Knowledge Economy) TFQ
Kingdom (Focuses on Christianity/Religion and The 7 Mountains; Productivity
and Excellence) TFQ Leadership
(Focuses on designing and manufacturing a Leaders’
Tribe and as well as a Leadership
process that will meet and exceed our current challenges.
Any of these TFQs is designed to be delivered
through a Master class, which can be
a stand alone or as a feature in Workshops, Seminars and Brain Storming Sessions
for institutions, projects and brands.